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fred fretz 10-31-2007 09:22 PM

Remove Untouchable Files
In Windows XP, quite a number of us come across files that give back an error message which reads a file cannot be deleted every time we try to remove it completely. Carry out this easy task in order to remove these untouchable files:

1. Open a command prompt window open after clicking Start>All Programs>Accessories > Command Prompt.
2. If you have other running programs, close all of them.
3. Select Start>Run then key in taskmgr.exe. Afterwards, click OK to open the Task Manager.
4. Choose Process tab and select the Explorer.exe from the list. Afterwards, click on the End Process option. You will go back now to the Command Prompt window in order to use CD prompt to go to the folder where you can find the untouchable file/s. Type its location then press Enter.
5. Type: DEL filename and then Enter, where filename is the name of the file you want to delete.
6. The window will close after typing exit.
7. Go back to the Task Manager (you should select New Task >Run from the Menu, then type explorer.exe on the edit box, click OK, then close Task Manager.

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