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Old 06-09-2009, 04:39 AM
Patrick Senac Patrick Senac is offline
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Default remove safely peripheral tray icon has disappeared


I use windows XP pro SP3 and all of sudden my task bar becomes very instable. The little tray icon to use when I want to remove a peripheral has disappeared as well as the volume icon. I can retrieve the volume icon from the configuration menu and I can also retrieve the tray iconif I execute
%SystemRoot%\System32\RUNDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll, but it does not remain stable and is not available again If I restart the computer.
This is all extremely annoying because I use a lot of USB keys for transfer as wellas an external disc.
How can I repair. I have tried everything
Thank you

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2009, 11:32 AM
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You can try the recommended solutions to this issue.

Unhide the icon:
If you have your notifications area set to hide icons, you will need to click the double left pointing arrow to show the hidden icons. If you would like to permanently unhide these icons, here's how:

1. Right click your notification area (next to the clock)
2. Select Properties
3. Uncheck the entry titled: Hide inactive icons
4. Click OK

Invoke the Safely Remove Hardware window:
If you would like to invoke the Safely Remove Hardware window, here's how:

1. Go to Start>> Run. Type in:

RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll

(you may want to copy and paste the above command in to the run text box for accuracy sake)
2. Press Enter.
3. Double click the Entry in the body of the windows to view all installed USB devices.
4. Select the one that you would like to Stop.
5. Unplug the stopped device.

Reboot to restore Safely Remove Hardware icon:
It has been reported that a simple reboot will restore the subject icon to the notification area.

Make sure Safely Remove Hardware is set to "always show":

1. Go to Start>> Control Panel
2. Select Taskbar and Start Menu
3. Select the Customize button
4. Scroll the list to find the "Safely Remove Hardware" entry
5. Be sure that it is set to "Always show" or "Always hide" is OK. If it is set to "Always hide", click the "Always hide" entry and select one of the other two listed options.
6. Click OK and exit all open windows

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