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benzaloy 03-09-2008 09:28 AM

Removal of Virus Heat Web Site from Laptop
I was trying to get rid of Virus Heat that came in w/o invitation or request and demanded that I buy their product.
Could not get pragmatic solution from any forum. Except a suggestion that I allowed Virus Heat to intrude my system by watching a **** site.
I confess that I watched a **** site that came in suddenly.
I didn't have the savvy to delete or get out of the site w/o further delay. Mea maxima culpa !
But that didn't solve my problem.
I firmly believed that there has to be some site that would protect people like me w/o sufficient knowledge.
Atlast in my flounderings I came across this site:

"Learn how U.S., Canadian, and Australian law enforcers work together with private sector companies and consumer organizations to combat fraud."
Consumer Sentinel

While reading this 'Consumer Sentinel' site I noticed the blinking icon of Virus Heat is no more in the 'task bar' tray. It always comes on next to the clock. Yes, it is no more there.

Honestly, I don't know how it happened. After many days of annoying intimidation it simply vanished. I do not know if it is a coincidence . . . but I noticed the absence of the icon of Virus Heat while I was reading the web page of
'Consumer Sentinel'.

I hope this is picked up by someone in need. We do have the means to report these bullying scum of earth.

Thank you.

lurkswithin 03-10-2008 11:47 AM


The heart of Consumer Sentinel is a one-stop, secure investigative cybertool and complaint database, on a separate restricted-access secure web site, that provides hundreds of law enforcement agencies immediate access to Internet cons, telemarketing scams and other consumer fraud-related complaints. It gives consumers a way to voice their complaints about fraud to law enforcement officials worldwide.
This site (Consumer Sentinel) is a great site but is not for the issues that you have in using it to file non-purpose would/could cause the site to become meaningless as they would have all resources lost to dealing with these non-issues.

It is good that the virus heat program disappeared but there is a better solution as to why it did so than your just visiting that particular anti FRAUD site.

The more plausible thing is that it is just coincidental that it vanished during your visit. More than likely the virus heat issue was resolved through your visiting the site it was forcing you to get to. Once there it simply removed itself as its job was done. This is a new ploy for advertisements and a new variant for the viral program.

I have seen this before but from a different aspect....not virus heat....but in advertising a product they allow the consumer to have or do something else for free if they do something for them .....the advertisers install this program to monitor the consumers actions until the agreement is which they hound the consumer with ads and pop-ups till they do what was agreed upon then it is promptly removed.

I have heard that some **** sites have started using this as a gimmick to free access to the **** site!

benzaloy 03-10-2008 07:01 PM

Remval of Virus Heat from Computer machine
Lurkswithin, how right you are . . . Coincidence it is. Virus Heat is back in its
space blinking away like nobody's business. I just don't touch it.
I am tired of my efforts to remove it. What cannot be rid of must be endured.
BTW, could you please tell me why my cursor disappears all of a sudden while am writing something. Within the space of this small note it disappeared four or five times. Got to click to get it back and continue.
Yes, this laptop is pretty old and has many ailments just as an old person, like me, would have. The 'O' key misses often and therefore many 'Log In's have gone haywire . . . the left 'shift' key has a hiccup, and so on.
Could you suggest a few hints to avoid these Virus Heat types.
I will adopt them when I get my next computer machine.
Umm God made man and hackers too.
Thank you very much for your response . . . it eased my mind a little,
thank you,
BTW, I feel sorry when I look at the way he bangs his head like that !
It's not done, not at all,

lurkswithin 03-11-2008 03:00 AM

try this free online and secure scanner. I have used them for years to find tough cases for me.

Trend Micro HouseCall - Free Online Virus and Spyware Scan - Trend Micro USA

click on the Scan Now. It's Free!

It is best that when running this scan to have system restore turned off in XP

R.clk "my computer" click properties > system restore tab > tick the "turn off system restore " box.

The bad guys just like to hang out in the protection of system restore folders and files.
As for the other will need the XP installation disc ( not a restore disc)

Start > run and type

sfc /scannow

(notice the space) press ok and the system file checker will replace all system files back in their original condition...

On some computers this works without the CD so try it all it will do is ask for the cd if it is needed!

Wombat 03-11-2008 03:53 AM

Lurk's, the OP was told how to get rid if that virus in this this here...

lurkswithin 03-11-2008 04:08 AM


I am aware of that, But apparently it was not the fix he was able to do or would do so I sent him to a site that might be able to get it done for him!

Hopefully it will take care of it and he will post back saying as such and we will be done with it!

Wombat 03-11-2008 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by lurkswithin (Post 10198)

Hopefully it will take care of it and he will post back saying as such and we will be done with it!

The fix works, that why I keep bringing it to the OP's attention. I think he is just trolling now...

benzaloy 03-11-2008 08:00 PM

Help Sought by Fresher to Remove Virus Heat from System
I followed your advise. The TREND MICRO House Call attended. Ultimately I was told :"One item could NOT be removed . . .".
They recommended that I remove it manually and told me to how to do it. I will try their method. In case I fail in this attempt, I will not come back here to report it.

Further, the website recommended by 'wombat' too did not work. This is the url of the site: VirusHeat Removal Process (remove VirusHeat) -

The icon of Virus Heat is not consistent now. It comes and goes away. May be it has nothing to report back to its people. I have no Bank Account or Credit Card. I have nothing that one could steal from me. That makes me courageous.

Of the two advises you gave me, shown below, I could not follow the first one as I could not see 'system restore tab' when I Right clicked 'My Computer' and selected 'properties'. A month or two back I searched for this very same 'system restore tab' when advised to do so by ''. Therefore I presume that tab is NOT in this system of mine. This may be the reason why Trend Micro could not help me.
Because of this situation I did not perform the second advise of yours.
I am grateful to you and Wombat for taking so much of time over my problem. Anyway, I learnt some new things and am thankful to both of you. Please forgive me if I have hurt you or Wombat, in anyway, in my elation on finding SysChat so beneficial.
Thank you and bye,
ben aloysius

Your advises referred to are:

1... " It is best that when running this scan to have system restore turned off in XP
R.clk "my computer" click properties > system restore tab > tick the "turn off system restore " box.
The bad guys just like to hang out in the protection of system restore folders and files.
2... As for the other will need the XP installation disc ( not a restore disc)
Start > run and type
sfc /scannow
(notice the space) press ok and the system file checker will replace all system files back in their original condition...
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