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sudhachandran 11-28-2008 07:17 AM

recover shiftdelete files
how to recover a shift deleted file?

Wombat 11-28-2008 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by sudhachandran (Post 13233)
how to recover a shift deleted file?

With great difficulty mate.

So take it to a data recovery centre if the data is valuable, they will get it back for a price... :tongue:

squirrelnmoose 11-28-2008 04:45 PM

There are many programs that can recover deleted files. Do a Google search for deleted file recovery.

If it's important, take wombats advice and send it to a professional like Ontrack. File Recovery - Recover Lost or Inaccessible Files - Ontrack Data Recovery

The file is likely still there, just marked by Windows as deleted and can be overwritten. So the more you use the computer the more likely that area will be overwritten with other data.

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