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ReadyBoost Your Windows XP Vista

By dine dreks
Windows Vista has this feature in which a USB stick is what you only need to add memory resources to your Personal Computer. ReadyBoost is probably designed for users not too enthusiastic to open their PC in order to add or replace anything in it. Although Windows Vista would not want a slower memory stick, you will be given a few steps in overcoming this restriction and thus be capable of using any USB stick available so as to expand your Personal Computer’s memory.

1. Setup: Plug your device and don’t pay attention to auto play. Go to Start Menu  Computer. Right -click on USB stick then select properties.
2. Disable stick: Select ReadyBoost in properties after selecting not to test the device. Click ok then remove USB.
3. Edit the registry: You must open regedit through the Start Menu. After typing regedit – press enter. Once you are inside the window, go to through these folders until you reach the latter portion of the registry entry: HKLM (local machine  software  Microsoft  Windows NT Current Version  EMDgmt. Every USB device installed on your computer will be shown to you. Select one which is yours. There are items here that you should change. The Device Status value should be replaced with 2. Afterwards, click ok. You have to do the same thing with the ReadSpeedKBs option. So with WriteSpeedKBs, make their values 1000. You’re done here.
4. What remains to be done is to put back the USB then go to the Device Properties Computer > right-click drive. Under the ReadyBoost tab, you are now ready to select the Use this Device option.

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