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vickiel01 03-15-2006 05:00 AM

Hello again,
I have a question for you, I just downloaded your virus software and was very pleased with its results. I thought I might add a program that I have that is very useful if you like movies or have a ps2. It is called Replicant, and can be used for backing up your DVD movies or your ps2 games... I thought someone else might be interested in it, I have used it "many" times, and it works great. How would I go about doing this?

William_Wilson 03-15-2006 01:13 PM

The software needs to be freeware, and I am not aware of a freware version of Replicant, but i could be wrong. If it is, then Sami is the one you need to speak to about such things -being an admin and all- and has final words about uploads and site design etc.

Sami 03-15-2006 02:12 PM


It is called Replicant, and can be used for backing up your DVD movies or your ps2 games... I thought someone else might be interested in it, I have used it "many" times, and it works great. How would I go about doing this?
Thanks for your kind gesture, Presently we are only listing Freeware.

Since Replicant is a shareware we cannot list that software.

vickiel01 03-15-2006 02:35 PM

Thats ok, I didn't realize that you couldn't "share" software, I've just had a lot of fun with it and I thought maybe someone else would too :confused: . Sorry about the mess up.


William_Wilson 03-15-2006 02:54 PM

No worries, posting it in here will likely get the word out, users will just have to google it :)

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