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Gingi 12-05-2006 01:26 PM

Promblems with explorer.exe
For the last couple of days every time a download a video from the internet and put it in a folder, every time i try to go into that folder then i get an error message saying Windows Explorer has encoutered a problem and needs to close, any ideas what the problem could be?


William_Wilson 12-05-2006 04:10 PM

is this the only time you get the error?
do you get it entering any folder, or just folders with videos?
or is it any newly created folder?

Gingi 12-05-2006 04:41 PM

It happens every time i try to open a folder that a flie has been saved in, just tried it with pictures and that makes the folder freeze to. It happens with any folder old or new

William_Wilson 12-05-2006 05:58 PM

hmmm, are these files saved from a specific program? Or does this happen from your browser as well?
If is occuring with a specific downloading P2P program it is likely a virus from the specific application as is common among them.

Gingi 12-05-2006 06:04 PM

tried with internet explorer, firefox, bitcomet and limewirre and all have the problem, ran a full virus scan and nothing appeared :/

William_Wilson 12-05-2006 06:08 PM

*which virus scanner are you using, a common mistake users make is assuming that a virus scan coming back clean means you are not infected.

*Does this happen to a folder that has had files saved before this problem started?

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