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R2D2 05-07-2010 01:33 PM

Problem Steps Recorder in Windows 7
1 Attachment(s)
When your friends find out that you know “a little bit” about computers, they’ll bother you with the problems they have with their own PCs. Sometimes it’s too difficult for them to explain it to you what the problem is, in that case you can tell them to use the Problem Steps Recorder. It’s software that records the desktop when the problem appears and creates screen shots which can be used to see the problem step by step. It also gives additional information of what actions have been taken that led to the problem.

Step 1: Click on Start.

Step 2: (in the search programs and files section) Type PSR and press Enter.

Now the Problem Steps Recorder appears.

Step 3: Click on Start Record and show your friend what the problem is.

You can use the Add Comment button in order to give more information to your friend about the problem and to be more specific.

Step 4: Click on Stop Record and give a name to the file that has been recorded.

On the Desktop (or where you have saved the recorded file) you’ll receive a Zip file that includes the description about the problem that has been packed in a MHTML document.
Now you can send the Zip file to your friend so he can easily see what the problem is.

In this way you don’t have to use dictionaries in order to understand what you friend means when he says “you know that thing… on my computer…doesn’t work”. ;)

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