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ChatMod#1 04-05-2006 07:09 PM

Sami i checked in each connect i have got, but it is not there in any of them under properties.:(

Sami 04-06-2006 01:12 AM

Then you can try a registry hack to modify the look, options of classic style. Presently I don't have that hack handy, once I find it and test it I will post. Or William (registry hack guru) can post a hack if he has it handy.

ChatMod#1 04-06-2006 07:56 PM

Oh k. Kool. SO do i just have to wait, till i can use it as before?

Sami 04-07-2006 12:02 AM

Fast User Switching script
1 Attachment(s)
Try running this script (fix_xp_logon.vbs) attached.

After running this script follow these steps below:

1. Start -> Control Panel
2. Open -> User Accounts
3. Click -> Change the way users log on and off
4. Put a tick on -> Use fast user Switching
5. Apply Options

ChatMod#1 04-08-2006 05:16 AM

Oh man. It worked. Thanks a lot man. I'm on top of the world at the moment. Thanks again.

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