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Sami 01-12-2007 12:20 PM

Prevent Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
Prevent Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) from long, uninterrupted hours on your PC with Workrave.

Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit.

Workrave alerts you to take a break in an undisturbing manner. When it is time for your break, a friendly small popup window appears asking you to take a break. This window automatically moves out of the way if you keep on working. However, if you ignore these hints too often Workrave acts less friendly and pops up the break window for your own good. The break windows can be configured to completely block your computer for the duration of the break.

Workrave continously monitors your keyboard and mouse activity. Hence, if you leave your computer running while you are at a meeting, Workrave will notice that you are taking a natural break from the computer.

Download it Here

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