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ChatMod#1 03-04-2006 09:56 PM

Points System?
I would like to suggest a points system for this forum. So when members post something, they get a certain number of points, and when they refer people, they get a bigger amount of points. And this points can be used for something in return, like a domain, or something good.

ChatMod#1 03-04-2006 09:58 PM

New Ranks?
I would like to suggest new ranks, instead of the current ones. You could have ranks like Lite, Standard, Elite and a few more and a certain number of posts for each rank. I am using those on my forum. If interested, i can give you the default number of posts and all the ranks if needed.:)

ChatMod#1 03-04-2006 10:00 PM

I would like to suggest that there be a competition like every week or month, in which members have got to do something, inorder to be eligible for participating in the competition. The reward for the competition could be a domain or something quite good.

ChatMod#1 03-04-2006 10:01 PM

New Smilies and Avatars?
I would like to suggest that there should be more smilies from which members can choose from, and also there should be a standard good-looking avatar selection for this forum, so that members dont have to use their own and the forums avatars.:)

ChatMod#1 03-04-2006 10:03 PM

Forum Groups?
I would like to suggest that there be a number of groups, like Administrators, Moderators, GFX-Moderators, etc. For the Admin's and mods it should be like invite only, and for GFX, i would suggest that any member that is good at GFX,a dn is active and is willing to help out, should be allowed into the group.:)

ChatMod#1 03-04-2006 10:19 PM

Member List?
I would like to suggest that a member list be put on, so that others can view the members of this forum and even email them if wanted to. And also if they are old members and can't remember their name, all u got to do is go to the member list.:)

Sami 03-05-2006 08:59 PM

Hi Abraham,

Thanks for the feedback,

Regarding Points system -> Its should be up in a couple of days.

New Ranks? -> Good Idea will implement it.

Competition -> Starting a contest from first week of April 06 for Post of the week.

New Smilies and Avatars? -> Yes whenever I find goog avatar's I am adding it. Please send good ones if you find any.

Forum Groups? -> That's already implemented needs some fine tuning.

Member List? -> its enabled.

ChatMod#1 03-06-2006 12:40 AM

Thanks for the reply. About the avatars, how do i send it to u? Do u have a email or do i post it here or send it to u as an attachment as a PM and same for smilies? And regarding member list, where do i go to see it. Is there a link anywhere in the forum, where i can see all the members at once or page-by-page? And regarding the groups, where do i go to see who is moderator of it and who all are the members? And about the ranks, i am posting it below :

GFX Moderator
Lite 0
Standard 25
Regular 80
Contributer 200
Elite 500

The above is the name and next to it, the number of posts required. And if any member goes above the elite number which is like 800 posts, i say put it like Forum Legend or just Legend, or something you like or which sounds good. I'm glad i could have helped in making this forum a better place.:)

Sami 03-07-2006 01:57 AM


About the avatars, how do i send it to u? Do u have a email or do i post it here or send it to u as an attachment as a PM and same for smilies? And regarding member list, where do i go to see it. Is there a link anywhere in the forum, where i can see all the members at once or page-by-page? And regarding the groups, where do i go to see who is moderator of it and who all are the members?
You can PM me the avatars and similes.

Here is the memberlist

Here is the link to groups, and moderators.

ChatMod#1 03-07-2006 03:15 AM

Oh k. Thanks man.

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