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trappercase 03-16-2006 10:31 PM

Wow you guys act!
I would like to suggest free margaritas every Friday.
I would like to suggest all members that join on Thursday get a new car.
I would like to suggest some things that may be a little too suggestive for this forum ;)

ChatMod#1 03-17-2006 04:49 AM

Um, i dont think this is an appropraie post.

trappercase 03-17-2006 09:17 AM

Sorry I apologise. I was more or less complimenting the admins for taking suggestions and acting on them in a timely matter. Just trying a little light hearted humour, notice the ;). Thanks for the warm welcome.

ChatMod#1 03-17-2006 06:36 PM

Oh k. Sorry about that.

katapilla 05-17-2006 10:12 AM

i like the legend one i wonder if anybody will get there??

Firefox 05-17-2006 05:02 PM

Yeah lighten up ChatMod#1. ;) If the forums had no sense of humour, oh how boring they would be.

Welcome to trappercase and katerpilla by the way as I have been away for a little while and not been able to get to the forums as much as I would like to. There seems to be hundreds more members than just a few weeks ago (which can only be a good thing)

Just out of interest ChatMod#1...why did you think that trappercase's post was inappropriate?

Anyway...Welcome to new members that have posted here and I have not welcomed yet..may I continue to welcome new members in as welcoming way as possible. Thank you and your welcome!! ;)

sreeja 11-28-2007 03:36 AM

It is a very good idea.It will increase the capabilityof people to post and avoid sparms.

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