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kaycee 05-03-2010 01:38 PM

Pls help,xp patition cant boot safemode nor normal afta I chekd'safeboot' in msconfig
Hello friends. Please I really need help here. I have two partitions Vista and xp on my aspire laptop. Vista was preinstalled. I've had this 4 long and in perfect condition. Recently,I wanted to install a software in the xp partition that requires that I boot into I decided to activate safeboot on gui by checking it at ''msconfig'' but after this I reboot the machine, so it can boot via safemode, but the pc refused to boot neither thru safemode nor normal startup. I mean the xp partition no longer boots.each time I try booting safemode, it gets to a point ''multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(4)\windows\syst em32\Apppatch\drvmain.sdb'' & pauses wit msg ''press escape to cancel loading SPTD.SYS'' pls guys I need help2solve this.I tryd repairing d windows xp but wen it prompts 4 Admin password, I enter my admin password but it keeps rejecting it. Pls help my xp partition is valuable. Thanks a lot in advance.

mhookem 05-04-2010 10:58 AM

hello kaycee, if you can boot into safemode and enable bootlogging
Then when you are asked if you want to load sptd.sys, just say no.
Let me know how you get on

kaycee 05-04-2010 12:14 PM

friend, i will do as you said, but i remember i have tried to boot via bootlogging and it did the same thing.thou I didnt do what you said now.
But i also want to remind you that it does not ask me anything it only displays this ''press escape to cancel loading SPTD.SYS'' after a while, it shows a fast "blue screen of death" and then loops. what do u think?

kaycee 05-05-2010 02:23 PM

@Mhookem, I tried the boot logging thing that you told me about but it didnt work out. Have you figured out any other thing? I can attach the bluescreen of death that is normally displayed when the computer loops and would not boot.

mhookem 05-06-2010 06:29 AM

Hello, I've been looking around and it seems that quite a lot of people have had the same problem with sptd.sys.

I'm off to the gym, I'll leave more detailed post later on today that will hopefully solve your problem



mhookem 05-06-2010 09:55 AM

Kaycee, if you have your xp cd, boot from it and choose to repair xp.
When you get to the repair console just type 'fixboot'.
Let me know what happens

kaycee 05-06-2010 06:08 PM

mhookem, thanks but where do u you refer to as the repair console?? Cos I've tried to boot from xp cd and repair the xp. But wen It gets to the screen where I'd hav to enter my admin pasword, It keeps tellin me that my administrator password is invalid. Pls how do u say I should do that?? Thanks

kaycee 05-06-2010 06:18 PM

Mhoohem, Please let me also say again that I have 2 partitions on the pc - vista and xp. So when ever I get to the repair part, it asks me ''which windows partition do I want to logon to??'' when I choose the xp partition which id D, it says my pasword is invalid

kaycee 05-06-2010 06:25 PM

Mhookem, please where are all your other fellow powerful pc guys on syschat?? Please let them also come help me out with this trouble. Am xpectin u guys.d pc's so in trouble. Thanks

mhookem 05-07-2010 07:39 AM

The xp partition, try just pushing enter when asked for the password.
Im on the pc for a while today, so I ll keep my eye on the thread.

kaycee 05-07-2010 09:53 AM

I've tried to hit ''enter'' key severally when it prompts for admin password but it still says ''invalid password'' man what do u think?? And when I hit enter 3 times, it says ''invalid password enterd 3 times, press enter to restart'' what else pls!

mhookem 05-07-2010 11:45 AM

Have you got another computer that you can use?
You might need to get a cable so that you can attach the laptop hdd to a pc and remove some files manually.

kaycee 05-07-2010 02:03 PM

Mhookem, please wouldn't it be possible to removes those files via my vista partition. I mean, loggin into the vista partition and then accessin the xp (D) partition as a 2nd backup partition to remove the files cos am so scared of loosening my pc besides, I dont have suitable tools. Please..

mhookem 05-07-2010 02:14 PM

So can you still use vista?
Have you ever heard of easybcd?It's free to download and you can repair your xp boot with this software while running vista

kaycee 05-09-2010 04:48 PM

Mhookem, yes bro, I have that software ''easybcd'' and I can boot and use my vista. please can you describe to me how I can repair my xp boot from the vista using the ''easybcd''. Thanx a lot

mhookem 05-10-2010 10:18 AM

As far as Im aware there's a button that automatically fixes any problems with any of your boot files.
Can you see an entry for your xp partition?

kaycee 05-10-2010 02:51 PM

Ok thanks a lot. In the application interface, I can see my 2 partitions.. Xp and vista. But I just wanted you to give me a step by step method on how to fix my xp using the ''easybcd'' so I dont make a big mistake or damage my vista partion. Please.. Tanx.

mhookem 05-11-2010 01:57 PM

OK dont worry about easyBCD right now, can you access the the boot.ini file for your xp OS?
If you can copy and paste the bootloader entry please.
When you set the boot mode to safeboot it should've added an entry at the end, something like this '/safeboot:minimal'.

You should see the boot.ini file on the partition without going into any folders.

kaycee 05-12-2010 02:38 AM

Thanks mhookem. At a time I began to fiddle wit d system cos of that and caused a little more complications and cos I ran out of patience, so I reinstald d xp bt didnt format so d raw files I hav on d partition were not tampered wit. Bt d problem now is am sure my vista wont boot after dis setup.

mhookem 05-12-2010 07:08 AM

No don't worry, vista uses the BCD and xp uses boot.ini.
All I want you to do is remove the safeboot part, this will stop it booting into safemode.
If this doesn't work you're going to have to access the windows folder of XP and remove the SPTD.SYS file that is causing the problem.
Or you can remove the SPTD.SYS file first, and then use msconfig to change from safeboot.
Copy and post your boot.ini file for me.

kaycee 05-12-2010 03:49 PM

I finally reinstalled the xp on the D drive.but didnt format so I dont loose data.ofcos the vista partition would nolonger be up,so i used ''easybcd'' to reenable vista and enable dualbooting. please what can I do to enable ''hibernating'' cos even the ''standby'' button is faded.meaning I can't put the xp partition on ''standby'' nor ''hibernate''. Thanx.

mhookem 05-14-2010 01:17 PM

Check for updates and/or right-click on the desktop and check your power settings for standby mode

kaycee 05-15-2010 12:49 PM

the "standby" button on the shutdown dialogue box suddenly showed up and the "advanced" tab on the power options dialogue also suddenly came up. hence I can now either put the system in standby or hibernating. thanks for all the efforts.

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