hi kaycee,
i have personally used 000webhost.com before. there are other free webhosting companies out there, but my experience with 000webhost.com has been very good
000webhost is quite generous when it comes to the freebies. take note that i am not advertising for 000webhost, but maybe you can take my advice for possible options that you may want for a future paid web hosting solution.
i copied the free features list on 000webhost, im posting them below with some of my comments in bold (based on what i can recall)
Disk Space 1500 MB
==1.5GB! this is huge!
Data Transfer 100 GB / month
Add-on Domains 5
this is a good free feature, take note that when your get to paid web hosting, check with your hosting provider if they allow multiple domains on the same hosting account
Sub-domains 5
E-mail Addresses 5
MySQL Databases 2
*when you move to paid hosting, subdomains, mysql and email addresses should be unlimited
Host your own domain
Free subdomain you.comze.com
International domains accepted
Ads on your pages? No Ads or Banners!
Your own ads allowed? Yes
These are one of the best and generous features. You can purchase a domain (just a domain and no web hosting contract) from godaddy, have godaddy forward the domain to your free 000webhosting account. and you now have a website
POP3 Accounts
Web Mail
Spam Protection
Mail Forwarding
IMAP Support
Modify MX Entry
this yet another good feature, you can have a fully working email like [email protected]. again, if you purchase just a domain from registrars like godaddy, just have godaddy forward your email "MX" records to the settings of your free 000webhosting, and your email works great
uploading your website files and images on 000webhost can be done through an FTP client or the web based file upload feature.
let us know if you plan on getting a free 000webhost account, if you dont mind, maybe we can ask Sami if he has a webhost account too. if you dont mind, maybe you can click his link as referral so he could earn some referral points to benefit our syschat forum