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Firefox 12-31-2005 12:39 PM

Picture Signatures
Just testing out my sig and wondering why no-one else has one?

CMan 12-31-2005 02:05 PM

Nice sig... Im in the process of making my own.


Firefox 12-31-2005 02:35 PM

This one I have at the minute is just a quick one...I'm going to do a better, more time consuming one later on
By the way if anyone else wants a Sig doing just PM me with the details and I'll do you one or two...
:D :D
EDIT: Oh and by the way does anyone know how I make it so that when someone clicks my Sig it takes you to Firefox's website?

Firefox 01-04-2006 07:30 PM

Updated Sig and new avatar!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Still no one can help me with the click siggy to open a new window to firefox website?

melinda 01-05-2006 11:16 PM

very nice signature. Personally, I just like text, but ... I'm rather board so I just might make my own. Does any one know what the usual demensions for a signature is?
thanks, melinda

Firefox 01-06-2006 12:31 PM

Just copy mine to your hdd and then use that size
My siggy size is pretty standard and I use it on all the forums I'm a member of

EDIT: Oh and I updated mine

BMFX 01-13-2006 12:04 AM

Uhh Is It Legal To Use A CopyRighted Name????

AnyWays Yeah... Not Bad Sig.

Could USe Work Though

BMFX 01-13-2006 12:05 AM

sry duabel post | Showing Him How To Link To FireFox's Site



Dang I Hate PHPBB, Stuff Desn't Work Like IPB.

ChatMod#1 01-23-2006 06:01 PM

That's true. IPB is way better that PHPBB. I prefer IPB. I love em.

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