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benzaloy 04-29-2008 07:32 PM

Picture Manager or Picture and Fax Viewer
I hope these two are one and the same.

I wanted to access it to see what items it has stored without my consent.

I searched in the 'search' section of Start Menu. No avail

Please tell me hot to access this enigmatic item in my PC.

Thank you.

lurkswithin 04-29-2008 11:13 PM

The programs do not store anything at all....all they do is provide a way to view certain items that you have stored in "My Documents/pictures" folder or stored elsewhere in your computer

picture viewer is designed to allow the simple viewing of jpeg, bmp, png, Tiff and gif files that ARE NOT associated with any other application such as kodak or HP picture viewer or the likes.

The fax viewer is similar as most fax files are stored as Tiff files which are clarified as raster files and read by any picture viewer that is capable of reading TIFF file associations.

They are basically the same application with just different names.

benzaloy 04-30-2008 01:45 AM

Picture Manager
Ok, Lurks, din't fiollow half of what you said, yet I know am in safe hands.
The Picture Manager, does NOT store anything . . . and there fore I need NOT worry over my 'space' going waste. Thanks.

Now please tell me how to access it, in case I like to see the mug of someone dear to me.

lurkswithin 05-01-2008 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by benzaloy (Post 10725)
Now please tell me how to access it, in case I like to see the mug of someone dear to me.

Read this article. There are some great tips on using the utillity!

PC World - Windows Tips: Windows' Hidden Image Viewer

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