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Daugust 08-17-2008 08:48 PM

pctsve.exe error
:frusty: Okay, so now I've screwed up my son's computer. He's running WIN XP. Yesterday, I downloaded a calendar template from Microsoft's website. It wouldn't open so I deleted it. HIs computer is sooo slow, I decided to run Regcure. Now the computer doesn't function. It freezes anytime you click on something 2 times.
I'm trying to run system restore, but just getting to that is taking over an hour.
Before getting to system restore I was trying to get into safemode (which also freezes), and in turning the system on and off I get the following error message pop up. <The exception software exception (0x0eedfade) occurred in the application 0x7c812a5b.>
I googled the error message and everything says that it is a virus, spyware, adware or a mixture of the 3.
What can I do to get my son's computer up and running?
Thanks in advance.

lurkswithin 08-18-2008 01:59 AM

you are unable to get into rebooting and pressing F8?

Try this instead. start the computer and let windows open..

Close all open programs.
Click Start, Run and type MSCONFIG in the box and click OK
The System Configuration Utility appears, On the BOOT.INI tab, Check the "/SAFEBOOT" option, and then click OK and Restart your computer when prompted.
The computer restarts in Safe mode.
from safe mode you cab access the restore program and try to restore back to before what happened.

If it still doen't work then:
Turn off the system restore as virus loves to hide in the protected files.
Run your anti-virus program, your anti-spyware/malware programs

When you are finished with troubleshooting in Safe mode, open MSCONFIG again, on the BOOT.INI tab, uncheck "/SAFEBOOT" and click OK to restart your computer

By doing this in safe mode will help in speeding up the programs as a lot of the drivers and programs are not started in safemode so the virus is partially disabled.

Daugust 08-18-2008 07:00 AM

Thanks very much.
I can get to safemode pressing F8. However, if I open the spyware program, it freezes. I tried doing system restore from there but the "frame" of the system restore window opened and it froze.

Last night, I pressed F8, said to start windows normally, and was able to open system restore. I chose a date to restore to, it said it was gathering info and then it just sat there, for over 2 hours.

I assumed that sytem restore had frozen and I used the power button to turn off the computer (because whenever I went to the start button, the hourglass appears) it did this even without system restore running.

When I rebooted, I got the message that system restore was stopped by user. SSSSOOO, just before bed I did the whole thing again to see if I just let it run all night if it would be done by morning. Sonny boy is still sleeping, but as soon as he wakes up, I'm going to check it. I'll let you know how it all works out. Thanks again for all your help, all the time!

Daugust 08-18-2008 09:26 AM

THIS is why I need Syschat!
Okay, now I"ve done it. I went to Boot.INI and chose /safeboot. I turned off the computer with the power switch and turned it back on. It didn't open in SafeMode.

So this is what I did. I went back to <Boot.INI> and chose < /safeboot> - but I clicked the button on </safeboot with dsrepair>. I also changed some of the startup choices because while I'm turning the computer off and on, my son's AOL Instant message window kept choking the computer. So I wanted that off.

NOW the computer opens in SafeMOde, but it goes right to the black screen with cmd.exe at the top of the window. Of course, because I know just enough to be dangerous, I now have a <c://documents and settings/DAVE /> looking at me. AND not know anything about internal or external commands, I can't do anything else. Is there anything I can do? What would a computer fix-it guy do to save my son's THOUSANDS of mp3 downloads? YIKES!!! I'm in TROUBLE!!

lurkswithin 08-18-2008 11:05 AM

It sounds as though that your checking other things and turning them off set it to open in safe mode with command prompt. If so you should be able to press ESC or type EXIT and hit enter to get out.

At this time because I am not really sure what you have done, let's concentrate on saving the files.....

The best way to do this now is to remove the harddrive and slave it to another computer. Once properly slaved, you will be able to transfer the files to either the other computer or to CD/DVD (which is what I would do).

The simplest way to slave a drive is to use a self powered external harddrive enclosure and plug it in by USB. You must determine what interface the HD has....either IEDE which uses the flat cable or heavy round cables (both using the 40 pin connector) to connect....or....SATA which uses a thin small cable to connect with. Once that is determined then all you need is the right enclosure...which can be used later on to house a newer drive to use as back up...

This could also be a sign of a bad harddrive...
start > control panel > admin tools > event viewer and check to see what errors are being shown and what application/hardware is associated with the issue....highlight the error and then click on it to see a better information of the error. Check all 3 of the applications in event viewer. if it is a bad drive you do not want to try to do anything but recover the files. Doing anything else could cause you to lose everything!

Daugust 08-18-2008 11:51 AM

Slave the hard drive?
LurkW/in, thanks for the time you're spending on this.

I'm wondering - can I use my laptop as the external hd, and then use my Belkin file transfer software and cable that I used when I got my laptop? I know I"ll have to check if the cable will work. It should, the desktop my son has is the same desktop I have, and I transferred files from it to this laptop.

If not, I guess the safest thing for me to do now is take it to the GEEK SQUAD at Best Buy. :sbiggrin: I did try to ESC and EXIT on the cmd.exe screen but neither one did anything.

Any other thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

lurkswithin 08-18-2008 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Daugust (Post 12153)
LurkW/in, thanks for the time you're spending on this.

I'm wondering - can I use my laptop as the external hd, and then use my Belkin file transfer software and cable that I used when I got my laptop? I know I"ll have to check if the cable will work. It should, the desktop my son has is the same desktop I have, and I transferred files from it to this laptop.

If not, I guess the safest thing for me to do now is take it to the GEEK SQUAD at Best Buy. :sbiggrin: I did try to ESC and EXIT on the cmd.exe screen but neither one did anything.

Any other thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

Yes if you can open the files from your laptop and have enogh storage space.
Do not use the transfer wizard though...if you do you might bring something more than what you want. It will be a long process but I suggest you use drag and drop. Just pull the folders over and everything inside will follow. There will be some meta data that are attached to the music and it may get lost but don't worry about that. The music is what you want and any other personal files.

This is a perfect example of why regular back-ups should be made to an external device on a regular basis.

Were you able to check out event viewer? what was the errors stated there?

Thanks for the kudos, but I am here to help and will do so as long as I can and as long as you seem to be following direction. We will go through the motions together if something doesn't work then we look at something else and see if the problem lies there.

Others may also join in and suggest things as well...

Daugust 08-18-2008 08:48 PM

Slave the Hard Drive...
Okay. Thanks. Something I'm not sure of..... With the cmd.exe window open, I typed EXIT and it finally did - except, I got the black screen that says SafeMOde in all the corners, but I never did get any icons or desktop, it's just black.

When I try the file transfer tomorrow, do you think I'm going to be able to even see any files if I'm not seeing anything on the host computer? I'm hoping so. I'll keep you posted.

lurkswithin 08-19-2008 02:06 AM

just boot it to windows and let it open. Then use your laptop and navigate to the files and transfer them over.

Daugust 08-21-2008 10:06 AM

This is maddening. I have the Belkin software, Easy Transfer and PCSync installed on my laptop. I can't get it installed on the pc. The pc is opening is safe mode. I am trying everything at this point.

When it boots in safe mode, the window opens asking if I want to continue in safe mode or run system restore. If I choose system restore, the "frame" for the system restore window opens (I can see desktop icons through it: Then it freezes. and system restore doesn\'t open.

I turn off the computer and go in again and when it boots to safemode and asks what I want to do I\'ll choose safemode. That opens but if I click on an icon, like Norton it freezes. If I choose Start, to try to get to the spyware program it freezes.

I thought I could just plug in a usb cable and try slaving that way with the file transfer cable. I don\'t have a usb that has the flat end on both ends. Can I slave the hard drive with a cable that has the square end and the flat end?

I\'ve tried hitting Control, Alt, Delete to get to Task Manager and that doesn\'t work.

Looking for that magic code that will at least allow me to open the spyware program. Thanks again.

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