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extremepixie 04-09-2006 05:55 PM

PCI Express or AGP?
I want to upgrade my video, but unfortunately if I move over to PCI-Express, I will have to upgrade my entire system. I am not prepared for such a move right now.

So do you think it might make sense upgrading to a top of the line AGP card for the next 3-6 months or should I just wait? What high-end card is the best value for AGP right now?

javester 04-11-2006 03:24 PM

Ugh... a hard choice... I bought a bargain basement Dell last October and was really dissapointed when I found out it only had PCI slots. Not even AGP!!! No wonder they were dirt cheap....

I thought people don't make PCI motherboards anymore.... anyways to cut a long story short, I ended up buying the best PCI graphics card I can get my hands on and my systems still sucks when I run the latest games.

If I were you, just bite the bullet and get a new PCI-Express capable system.

Then again, maybe you can just hold on a few months and buy your next PC from Apple. The forthcoming Intel PowerMacs have PCI-Express slots and will run both OS X and Windows :)

zCon 04-12-2006 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by javester
Then again, maybe you can just hold on a few months and buy your next PC from Apple. The forthcoming Intel PowerMacs have PCI-Express slots and will run both OS X and Windows :)

I don't think you could ever get me to do that... Maybe if I had lots of extra money sitting around I'd buy one as a spare toy...

In regards to AGP.... AGP cards are a lot more powerful than PCI cards, so you'd be much better off than with the top of the line standard PCI video card... It might be worth the wait just not to bother, depends on how you look at the money and how it will affect you.

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