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masterhacker 04-10-2007 06:01 PM

PBR Problem/Dell Dimension 1100
service tag-5gbx81/bios ver-a01. Going to the dell site. If anyone has anyideas would appreciate the input.

William_Wilson 04-10-2007 06:47 PM

wha? what exactly is the problem, the more specific you are the easier it is to help.

masterhacker 04-11-2007 02:00 PM

SORRYabout that. My mind was somewhere else. Never the less. I'm squared away. Motherboard prob. Master boot record screwup. Thanks for the effort anyway.

William_Wilson 04-11-2007 07:30 PM

if you are running XP, start with the xp disk in the drive and enter repair mode. At the prompt type:

this will repair your mbr.
For vista, it is similar, just open the prompt when available and use:
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot

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