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russchar 10-14-2006 01:41 PM

overlocking and other prob... need help...
occasionally when my computer starts up it display an error about overlocking failed, and my computer restarts every other time... ive already reformatted my pc and reinstalled new os... can anybody help me with my prob... tnx a lot...

here are my pc specs:
pentium d 3.4
512 mb memory
80 gb hdd(50:30 partitioned)
another 40 gb harddisk
onboard video card

chuck33ca 10-15-2006 08:59 AM

overclocking can be accomplished in 2 ways.By setting it in your BIOS,or changing jumpers on the mother board.Have you done either of these methods?

russchar 10-15-2006 11:05 PM

ive already tried the overlocking in bios, and i set it to auto... but i dont know how or where the right jumper to change...

chuck33ca 10-16-2006 09:20 PM

The reason I ask this is because the only reason you would get this message is if you tried to overclock. So if you have the bios set to Auto,and you don't know where the jumpers are on your motherboard,then that means that you did not try to overclock the system yourself,so therefore, I do know the reason you are getting that warning. Did you build this system yourself? After it reboots,is the message not there anymore and all seems ok?

russchar 10-17-2006 10:32 AM

yes, i build the system myself and yes, after it reboot it seems ok...

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