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FOADA 04-02-2007 02:17 PM

Overclocking AMD 2600+ XP
Right now I have it was 181mhz with the 12.5 multiplier locked, and had to up it to 1.8v so it would be stable. Was 1.5v at 166/12.5.

How safe is it to run at this constantly?

I noticed its always a lot hotter than it used to be and unless I take off one of the drive covers it wont go below 52C. Once I do that it will drop down anywhere from 37-45C.

I'd like this computer to last me a little while, but Id like to get the most out of it in that understanding.

If anyone has any suggestions let me know so I can try it.

I tried searching for any 2600+ overclocking on here and didnt find any.


William_Wilson 04-02-2007 03:25 PM

overclocking is usually done with an unlocking kit, you can buy them at most computer stores. They are dangerous, but generally stable results.

*They come with instructions as well.

FOADA 04-02-2007 03:28 PM

Oh I havnt unlocked this chip, I just used the bios to change it. its 2.09ghz on 166/12.5 with 1.5v, now its at 2.28 with those current settings. I dont want to unlock the chip due to the danger factor, its stable right now but I just want to make sure I can run it at the current settings without any damage.

b1caez01 04-02-2007 03:34 PM

Just curious...why do you feel the need to overclock things...why not just buy more RAM? I know didley about this sort of thing and would just like to know for my own edification...

FOADA 04-02-2007 03:35 PM

Im just overclocking the processor for more Mhz.

Here's the page I used at a reference as to the settings.

Athlon XP 2600+ (333MHz) Overclocking

Cobalt 04-02-2007 03:50 PM

In general, running a CPU constantly around 50C will not dramatically reduce its useful lifespan - You are far more likely to replace your PC long before the CPU fails due to the effects of prolonged overclocking.

It will put additional strain on the CPU, which is why you should really replace stock heatsink and fans with higher performance units. These will allow for better heat dissipation and improved airflow, reducing the CPU's core temperature. It's not essential, but if you plan on keeping this machine for the forseeable future, may be recommended to prolong its life.

Just don't lose any sleep over it - As long as you're not exceeding 60C there shouldn't be a problem.

FOADA 04-02-2007 03:54 PM

Alright thanks,

its never gone above 55, usually I catch it around 50 and open it up, I didnt build the computer, a friend of mine did and gave me a good deal on it about a year and a half ago, I know it has a nice heatsink and a very loud, and powerful fan.

He, unlike I, knows how to build computers and I trust he knew exactly how to set it up for the cooling, once I open the front cover, the temp drops dramatically. Its not severely overclocked and doesnt get that hot, so thanks, it should be fine. The only thing I was concerned about was turning up the volts on the CPU, someone told me it wasnt safe to do that, but thats not what most other people say.

b1caez01 04-02-2007 03:58 PM

Ah, now I understand... I'm not into games, so this is new to me... and by not buying the appropriate hardware, and buying the overclocking software, there is an advantage? Like, at some point, aren't you going to want to crank the p... out if it and then run the risk of what the above message refers to...a smokin' CPU?

Mmmmm, I think that I'd opt for what the previous writer suggested, a bigger and better engine to crank those rear wheels :)

But, then, what do I know...

Cobalt 04-02-2007 04:06 PM

Increasing the core voltage can be dangerous, but again, if you follow a guide from a trusted source and are prepared for the consequences of overclocking your machine, then there shouldn't be a problem.

In many cases you will actually need to increase the core voltage - After all, to run faster, the CPU will require more power - if it is already borderline at 1.5V, it will naturally require a higher core voltage if you were to overclock it.

However, increasing anything concerned with the CPU - Clock speed, multiplier, core voltage and so forth - should be done in small increments, one at a time. After each increase, you should test your PC thoroughly, especially under high load - When you start to have problems, simply roll back to the previous working settings and you have in effect the maximum that you can safely go to.

As for overclocking - you really should leave it unless you know what you are doing and are aware of the consequences. In truth, you will reduce the lifespan of your components, and the extent will depend on the level of overclocking. You can also quite easily go too far and end up with fried CPU - Though most machines these days have failsafes, such as shutting down the machine when a specified CPU temperature is reached, it shouldn't be relied upon - This really is at your own risk.

b1caez01 04-02-2007 05:01 PM


Thanks for the clarification...

We ignoramouses need lots of turoring ;)

Games is too confooozing for the likes of some of us oldersters...

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