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sigs 04-19-2006 09:41 AM

opera browser
wanted to know that if opera browser is good or not. lot of people have recommended it to me but i wanted to know a little more about it from you guys.

Sami 04-19-2006 06:23 PM

Opera is a good browser, you can give it a try. Check out this thread (

Personally I prefer Firefox with it's wonderful extensions.

Firefox 04-21-2006 12:53 PM

I agree with Sami! Donwload and install firefox, it's the best browser EVER!! Do a search for Firefox extentions and you will see there are hundreds. If you ever thought "I'd like my browser to do this, it would save me a bit of time" someone else will have thought the same thing and probably made an extention for Firefox to do it. Go here for the browser and here for a list of extentions

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