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jake1496 02-06-2010 03:41 AM

Which one so we need more? Netbook or notebook?
Netbook is a small portable computing device, similar to a notebook. However, it has a smaller form factor and comes with more limited features. What differentiates a netbook from a notebook is its physical size and computing power. Do you need a netbook?

templater1 12-21-2010 05:54 AM

I have a stationary computer and two netbooks ;)

petnic 05-29-2012 01:49 AM

I use Netbook, it is not good like normal laptop but it is suitable for day by day works and flexible to use.

mhookem 05-29-2012 07:17 AM

Netbook Or Laptop?
I keep my work laptop away from the internet for peace of, only just recently bought a netbook. That's what I use to do research and downloads on the net.
It's small and light, perfect for taking away with me.

( have to say though, I've just upgraded to a Samsung Galaxy Note. So the poor netbook's been neglected a little :luv:)


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