Thursday night my computer was running on Vista and I launched a game, Lineage II and I get a blue screen telling me: Dumping virtual memory to disk with,it wasn't the first time I get this errore with this game since an update so I turned off my computer befor it end with the blue screen and reboot it self,the next day I started my computer and I get the "Ntldr is missing please press Ctrl+Alt+Suppr to reboot" ,then I tried to use the restore thing of Acer but it seems that it need Ntldr to run,si I tried run a some linux livecd that is supposed to be able to write on NTFS volume, but I get differents errors when I tried to use "Startx" or "GUI" or "Flux" on any livecd that I have,I found the ultimate boot cd but I don't know how to access my hardrive and remplace Ntldr file,it would be easy if I had a flobby drive but my laptop don't have,so I looked in the internet for tutorials how to create a boot CD I found some but they all need some 70dollars prog,actually I found 1 good tutorial
Guide to Creating Bootable CD/DVD's without A:\ Floppy Drive but I need the ghost.exe to end it so I've downloaded Ghost 10.0 and installed it but there is no ghost.exe inside, so if someone got this file or know who to remplace a ntldr file without a floppy or know how I can do it with ultimate boot cd or
MS-DOS 7.10 CD
Please tell me !!!!!
Thanks in advance
(sry 4 my bad english
