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-   -   notebook's cd rom is not working ( 11-12-2008 09:46 AM

notebook's cd rom is not working

my notebook's cd rom is not working.i want to reinstall windows without using cd i can do this?

Wombat 11-12-2008 03:32 PM

Get the notebooks cd rom replaced, your wasting your time and mine by not doing doing so...

Sami 11-12-2008 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 13085)

my notebook's cd rom is not working.i want to reinstall windows without using cd i can do this?

Please search before you post, there is a tutorial on how to this
Install Windows XP without floppy or cd drives

Wombat 11-12-2008 06:47 PM

The OP will still need a cdrom drive sooner rather than later Sami.

It's far better to replace the drive that pigphrig around with tutorials, which most likely will lead to a plethora of other posts from the OP requiring further help with them...

William_Wilson 11-16-2008 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Wombat (Post 13092)
The OP will still need a cdrom drive sooner rather than later Sami.

It's far better to replace the drive that pigphrig around with tutorials, which most likely will lead to a plethora of other posts from the OP requiring further help with them...

Not necessarily, the laptop I originally wrote the tutorial Sami linked for has no drive and never will. Nearly everything you want to do on a laptop these days can be done through USB, if you leave the i386 folder intact on a separate partition this is a 1 time deal and re-installing is as simple as choosing DOS at the boot loader and installing again. The specialized hardware is about $20 and a new cd drive will likely cost more than that, if you can live without it it is a good option.

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