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revand 06-05-2006 03:11 PM

Not showing D drive
Well I was using Xandros Desktop ( Linux ),

As I was having problems with some files and softwares I was not able to play on Linux I decided to install windows xp on my machine.

I installed windows Xp and my machine was in dual boot. Both Xp and Xandros were running fine and were shwoing all of my drives.....

Then, I installed some drivers and softwares from the Intel cd I got when I bought my computer......... I installed the drivers and some softwares ( real player ) and I incidently selected RESTOREIT......... It installed and my computer rebooted after then it showed me

your system is protected by restoreit and press space to access it.....

After this it showed nothing but a blank screen everytime. I restrated again and again to see the same.

Then after 9 or 10th time I pressed the the space key and there was a option to uninstall restore it.

After I uninstalled it, system again booted and I saw again the two os.... But when I started xp and accessed my computer it showed me only three drives

C, E and F

I was not able to find the D drive there...... its a 20 gb drive.... Where is my Drive..... How can I restore it ?

Thanks in advance!!!!

William_Wilson 06-05-2006 05:46 PM

have you tried running xandros, and checking for your missing drive? if neither OS can find it, the drive may be damaged or unplugged.

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