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turo62 09-28-2008 10:51 AM

not enough free space on F-Disk
Please tell me how I can get every software that I try to download , to download to my C disk instead of my F Disk? I can't get my F Disk above 50MB of free space even though I run CCleaner 10- 15 times a day. Total space on F Disk is 3 GB. My C Disk has 34 GB of total space but a whopping 20.7 GB of free space. I have Dell inspiron B130 laptop with windows XP 2'nd edition. I tried to download Veoh media player. It was sucessfully downloaded because the installation wizard suprisingly gave me the option of downloading the veoh player software to another folder or file or disk. One of the options it gave me to my joy was my C disk. I clicked C disk and it was sucessfully installed! Unfortunaly the installation wizard for veoh did not give me that option. Please help me if you can. Thanks

Wombat 09-28-2008 04:38 PM

When you right mouse click on a file or a pix, it will give you the choice of where to save the file...

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