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Spook 12-17-2006 08:16 AM

No Sound
I suddenly seem to be having problems with my CD/DVD drive. I have an internal CD/DVD drive and an external one, but neither of them are playing any sound when I put DVD's in them. The speakers are working, as other programmes and system sounds are working fine, but not the DVD drives. In fact, the external drive doesn't even seem to recognise when a disk is inserted!

Can anyone give me any advice? Our anti-virus caught an incoming trojan on Friday - could this be anything to do with it? Have tried system restore, even going back to the end of November, but it keeps telling me that no changes have been made to the system!

William_Wilson 12-18-2006 11:41 AM

*System restore only changes any settings modified in the windows and system folders, usually removes retgistry entries as well. If the changes do not involve those folders, then they would not be found.

did the drive have sound before?

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