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native 05-04-2007 12:42 PM

"little or no connectivity" trying to make a connection, what does that mean and how to fix that?

AndyGoh56 05-11-2007 10:08 PM

ou are not connected bec you do not have a harp to conect.
Looks like u require a harp or connectors linked to your mordem before to your computer. Go to shop and buy one . Mayby USD 30-40 only .
Or change your modem to ADSL Router D-Link DSL 504T . It has 4 conections built to it which means you can network 4 desktop at at a time .

William_Wilson 05-11-2007 10:17 PM

mordem = modem
bec = because
harp? what are you talking about?

Little or no connectivity can be many things, i have experienced in on my network myself from time to time, and there is a router. For this message to be displayed there must be a connection, but it just not a good one.

Is this a wireless connection? What kind of router are you using, and what kind of network card, company, wireless, or wired, etc?

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