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syncere99 11-05-2010 10:01 PM

network problem
havin sum network issues o XP PRO. I DONT KNOW IF ITS A CONFIGURATION
PROBLEM OR WAT i only have 1 pc but have xbox live in a different room
wich as we all know needs a internet connection 2 i thought the best way 2 do that was 2 get a router i chose a linskys WIRED router 4
dependability i got it up n running n it was working fine 4 a while till a power outage sum how messed it all up now it say pc cant reconize router and i have below average internet speed according 2 a test i ran i ran a speed test n a ping test the speed test was well below average n da ping test varied with each test i ran i am currently hooked up directly 2 my ISP MODEM I DISCONNECTED THE ROUTER BUT I DID RUN TEST WITH N WITHOUT ROUTER n they were almost the same results i try a few different thimgs but no success i did update my ethernet driver a while ago n had no problems even when i was connected 2 router im sure its sum type of configuration problem but im lost in that area n i not entirely sure it a config. problem just tryin 2 figure it out n wow its more to it than i thought if anyone can help with this isue or any input wud be greatly appreciated. 1 more thing dat may help my pc is a dell E520 DAT CAME FACTORY WITH VISTA HOME INSTALLED BUT BACK IN MAY I MIGRATED 2 TO XP PRO.which in my oponion is a better os 4 my needs n in general.i did a frsh custom install dat went smoothly only problem i had was my rom drive was not being reconized it dissappeared from my computer window so i deleted the upper n lower filters thru regedit restarted pc n bang it back n have not had a problem wit it since YES I AM PC SAVY N DO HAVE ALOT OF KNOWLEDGE 2 SHARE BUT THIS NETWORKING PROBLEM HAS ME STUMPPED I NEVER REALY STUDIED NETWORKING N AM LOST THANX N FEEL FREE 2 HELP BY POSTING ON HERE OR EMAIL ME DIRECT DAT OPTION IS OPEN ON MY SETTINGS THANX


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