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b1caez01 03-31-2007 08:11 PM

Netscape 8.x
I run all versions of Netscape [speed], IEx [because some sites want it] and Firefox [not bad but some commands are missing from Netscape, that I liked]. Each has its own purpose.

Recently, Net8x has been acting oddly...when I go to sign into my blog at

1. load N8x
2. move to my login site
3. login
4. hit go
5. immediately, the whole thing shuts down and disappears :confused:

I have tried this repeatedly. I eventually, unloaded all of N8x.

When I did it in IEx I'd get to the login command to proceed, and it would not do anything. I found the issue there and sorted it out.

But, I have yet to discover what's up with Netscape 8x.

Netscape 7x will not upload visuals, written scipt is o.k.
Netscape 8x did work well, but now is inoperable
IEx did work, then it didn't, researched problem, and I fixed it, and now it does

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