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tobi 06-06-2009 02:32 AM

Need Help with External Hard Drive
:help: My operating system is Windows Vista Home Premium. I have connected a Verbatim 250 GB external hard drive to store my backups. I am using Norton Premium to manage my backups and set them to be completed daily and it when I look at Norton is tells me it was successful yet I get an alarm from the Backup Status and Configuration that it failed. The message I get is to use the disk error checking tool. But what tool might that be???:confused:

lurkswithin 06-06-2009 09:54 AM

Right click "My Computer" > explore > highlight the drive and select properties and choose tool tab > select error checking and press enter.

I would not recommend a USB powered drive for back up a system as they will drag your system down.

tobi 06-06-2009 11:19 AM

Thank you

Originally Posted by lurkswithin (Post 14958)
Right click "My Computer" > explore > highlight the drive and select properties and choose tool tab > select error checking and press enter.

I would not recommend a USB powered drive for back up a system as they will drag your system down.

I thought I had tried almost everything. This seems to be working. It is in the process of backing up so hopefully it works completely.

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