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4unit 02-18-2010 09:02 AM

my dell 6100 laptop stops charging pls help
i cant just express how helpful this community has been. keep it up guys..
pls help me out. my dell 6100 laptop. stops charging no matter how long i try to charging with the main power. pls . help. thanks.

lordnikon 12-09-2010 08:36 PM

hi mate , this could be a a few things but im going to stick with one of two , either

A. you have a faulty charger
B. the charging pin on your laptop motherboard has become lose or has blown

i would recommend trying a volt meter on the charger , and if that works out ok , i would order a new charging pin and fit it ( or if you are unable to do this you would have to seek the help of a pro)

im not sure on pricing in your area but my shop charges £70 so it is an expensive job.

hope this is at least helps you figure out the problem

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