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timc 03-01-2009 05:17 PM

MusicMatch Plus software upgrade
Was using this program for converting my vinyl LPs to digital and i worked great. In a recent reformat of my c drive, I failed to make a copy of the program. I have downloaded the latest version of Musicmatch (Jukebox 10 plus), but it doesn't have the line-in recording feature. Instead, it directs me to a link for the Plus upgrade, but the website is no longer active. I would gladly pay for the upgrade, but cannot locate it anywhere. Can anyone help me?

Sami 03-01-2009 08:25 PM

An alternative to MusicMatch Plus 10
Since Yahoo took over MusicMatch Plus and disabled many features,

Many people have moved to MediaMonkey which is similar to MusicMatch and has more features.

You can download from here MediaMonkey download from Audio category

timc 03-03-2009 09:19 AM

MusicMatch Jukebox
My next question was going to be something to the effect of "if the upgrade can't be found, is there other software that will work". I'll try that. Thanks for your help.

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