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Bagish 11-22-2007 12:24 AM

MS-DOS function error
Hi ..
I want to know dat why does this error come? I have already search in google but I didn't get any proper solution for this . Can anybody help me on this..:happy:

Software Sales 11-22-2007 06:10 AM

MS-DOS Error
Hi there

what is the error message ?

Also Indicate , what version of Dos U are using ?

Also Indicate , Type of computer ,as well as RAM and Display

Also Indicate What is in your config.sys and Autoexec,bat files


Software Sales

Bagish 11-23-2007 03:46 AM

Thanks for the reply, M using Xp pro. When I tried to copy something from any CD it shows Invalid MS-DOS function error ,I don't know why it happens ,plz tell me some solution and why it shows...?

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