Thank you
Squirrelnmoose. I have used driveimageXML to generate a copy of my windows OS drive.
I would like some assistance with the dual Boot requirement and I wonder if
lurkswithin or anyone else can help me, please.
ituation: Windows is located on drive K. I want to locate ubuntu on a partition in another drive (say G). Actually, I did instal ubuntu onto that (G) drive but found the dual boot menu did not come up - all I could do was open windows. I then tried using supergrub, got a dual boot menu which would boot into ubuntu, but the menu line to boot into windows failed to allow me access - something about a ntldr or somesuch being missing. I figured that the supergrub dual boot was configured to work off the same common drive and so I am a bit lost.
I have looked at suggestions across the web and have about given up - all very techy and "simple"

Would really appreciate your assistance to help me solve this last part of the puzzle.