Hi Guys,
Just joined. Need to ask something that I am unable to get answer anywhere.
Anyways here the short story,
I have an MSI 750i Motherboard, and its installed in a Mid Tower casing, I am using Corsair HX1000W PSU with it, and 2xGTX260 in SLi.
Here is what happened.
The Motherboard earlier a month or so ago wouldnt boot with RAM in its 2 Slots (orange ones) so I used single channel (2 Green Slots to make it work)
Later when I changed the Processor, it booted fine, but after I went in the BIOS and raised the FSB and voltages to the CPU (Minor increase, much lower than the previous) during Boot the System was shut down.
When I pressed the power button LED (Red) on the motherboard was on, when pressing the power button the Fans and Fan LED turned on for a Fraction of a second and then the system shut down, though the red LED on the board was on.
I changed another PSU, and tried but same result,. changed the Processor but same results. I removed the Processor.
After sometime I put in the Power and hit the start button same thing happened, BUT there was electric current (mild tingly) running in through all the casing and system, i didnt understand what was it, anyways when I hit the power button smoke came out from this part (Pic)
I know that the Board is dead, but I am about to get new Core i7 Set up, and considering its expensive, I am spooked as to what did this. PSU (Both are new) and i gave them the Clip test and they started. Casing is Generic, could it be at fault?
I need some GOOD Advice as to locate the fault.