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Shegan 03-30-2006 06:07 PM

Monitor Suggestions

I am looking for an inexpensive 17" monitor. I am more concerned with price than bells and whistles.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you in advance!

Sami 03-30-2006 11:26 PM

I guess you are looking for 17" LCD Monitors.

Here are some of the branded ones but little bit expensive.
  1. SONY SDM-HS75P/S 17" LCD Monitor
  2. Dell E173FP 17 Flat Panel LCD Color Monitor
  3. HP L1740 Silver-Black 17" LCD Monitor
  4. LG Electronics 17" LCD Monitor 1780U
  5. Samsung SyncMaster 700VT 17" LCD Computer Monitor
  6. ViewSonic 17" LCD Monitor with Speakers Black
And this non branded one presently on sale for $158.00

Fuji Plus 17" Ultra Slim TFT LCD Black Monitor

ChatMod#1 03-31-2006 12:38 AM

Hey Shegan, welcome to Syschat. If u r looking to buy a CRT monitor then i wouldn't recommend that, but if u r planning on buying a LCD, then wat Sami has posted above are very good choices. Also there are lots more computers. You can always ask ur local comp shop for details and pricing. Good luck.

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