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Sami 02-24-2006 12:36 PM

Microsoft's mission: Revive PC gaming
Three months after its heralded introduction of the Xbox 360, Microsoft is prepping to launch another gaming platform: the computer.

With computer-game sales in a tailspin and a new generation of sleek, graphics-spewing consoles hitting stores, the software giant is promising to not only pull the computer out of its slump, but to deliver a PC-gaming renaissance.

"I want to apologize for the dereliction of duty to our company's No. 1 platform, the PC, in terms of gaming," Microsoft vice president Peter Moore said. "We've been a little distracted for the past few years. Mea culpa, we've been busy."

And the neglect shows.

Last year, computer-game sales dropped 14 percent from the previous year, the worst dip in a five-year decline. Retail stores have taken note, relegating PC games into back corners.

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