buddy pucker | 11-09-2009 05:10 PM | microsoft .net framework version 1.1 refuses to install? i havent ever done this before, so if i mess up please tell me so i dont make a real big butt of myself OK. MY QUESTION, does anyone know what to do when, microsoft .net framework version 1.1 redistributable package refuses to install? i have tried the cleaning tool & that still dosent do it. it acts like its going to install, the minutes & seconds count down, & when the counter gets to (0)seconds remaining, every thing just stops, like thats it. dont matter how long you let it set it doesent do anything else. 5 hours later & its stillthe same &, then you cant get a restart. to get the whole mess to go away you have to hold down the off switch. if anyone can help i would appreciate it, muches.//// THANKS///THE BUD/// |