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lady_doc77 05-24-2007 12:02 PM

Make your XP like a Vista
Why spend much on a upgrading into a Windows Vista when you are quite content with your Windows XP? Yes, maybe Vista has some stuff that is really so awesome that I just need to have them, or something similar because I know that I cannot afford to upgrade right now. Here are some tools you can use on how to use your Windows XP and still feel like the Vista experience.

You can download some free stuff at their website to let you XP look and feel like the graphics and features of a Vista. First is the Copernic Desktop Search. They can do keyword, Boolean, file content and wildcard searches, a lot like the one you see on Vista. Or you can always use the Google Desktop which is also similar in features.

Windows Vista is popular because of its unique sidebar with all stuff like a calendar, calculator, media player, RSS feeds, etc. The Desktop Sidebar presents a lot more features, all customized for you to add on, and also includes the weather report, file browser, news updates, and an email checker. If this gives you an overload on features and add ons, you can also try the Launch Bar Commander. This one allows you to have several on-screen panels for the various applications and documents that you need opened.

The Vista Start Menu SE gives quite a satisfactory reproduction of the Start menu of Windows Vista. It also contains other additional functions such as built in shortcut keys to commonly used functions in Windows like switch users, reboot, and hibernate. If you would like a little more speed, you can try the Jet Start Free. It also organizes applications and files, although less complicated than the Vista.

The Visual Task Tips, a popular feature of the Windows Vista, allows a preview of open windows in the taskbar, removing the need to click on the window to view the document. A miniature image of the document is seen as the mouse pointer scrolls on it.

The Folder Marker allows you to do what you like with your folder icons and icon backgrounds using icons from Windows Vista. It is very easy to use and there are several websites that offer downloads of these icons.

Window Blinds 5 replicates the look and feel of Windows Glass, a part of Windows Aero of the vista series. It can change several parts of Windows XP according to your specifications and feel at a small price of $20. It provides various skins, visual styles and themes. It also modifies the toolbar icons, start menu and start button, dialog and menu borders, and the task bar and title bar.

If you are really intent on using your Windows XP with all the features similar to Windows Vista, then this is for you. But do not expect it to be exactly the same as Windows Vista, because if you want the real thing, you can always consider upgrading to a Windows Vista instead.

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