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sysadmin 01-25-2006 05:51 PM

Locating The Perfect Laptop Computer
Laptop computers are the perfect choice for people on the go. They offer all of the features of a desktop personal computer with the added benefits of portability. There are many kinds of laptop computers to choose from. When choosing a new laptop computer, look at the battery size, the memory and the physical size and weight of the computer.

When looking at new laptop computers, one thing you should consider is the battery size. All laptops come with a rechargeable battery. However, each laptop is different. Some batteries are designed to last longer than others. In general, a laptop computer battery will only last around two hours before needing to be recharged. As the computer ages and the battery gets older, the battery capacity will decrease. After approximately 1,000 charge and discharge cycles, the battery can no longer hold a charge. This usually equals about three years of normal laptop use. If you do not use the laptop often, the battery will become ineffective in about four years. If you plan on using the computers' battery over plugging the laptop into the wall, the best piece of advice is to look for a laptop that has the largest battery life. Also, it is recommended to keep the laptop computer plugged in when possible so the battery does not constantly have to recharge itself. A second battery can also be purchased to use when the first battery runs out of charge.

Memory size is another key factor in choosing laptop computers. Memory size also varies from laptop to laptop. The amount of memory you purchase will depend on what you are using the computer for. If you need to store a vast amount of information on your computer or need to store pictures or video, you will need a larger amount of memory. Most new laptop computers come with a large amount of memory space already installed. Look for a minimum of 512 MB of memory. If you will need more memory space, check to see if the new laptop you are purchasing comes with expansion slots for more space.

Consider the weight of the laptop computer before purchasing. Laptops come in different sizes and some weigh a lot more than others. If you travel frequently or have the need to carry your laptop with you all day, consider a lighter weight laptop computer. Beware though, that while the laptop may be lighter, some of the components such as the AC adapter may not be included on the spec listing. Also, some of the ultra-light laptops do have smaller keyboards and screens, some only measuring 12 inches. Any laptop computer with a screen more than 15 inches can be difficult to carry. Consider the weight of the laptop when it is placed in a carrying bag, too. This will also add to the bulkiness of traveling with your laptop.

Other considerations to make when purchasing your new laptop are added features such as WiFi access, brand name and warranty. Most laptops come with a one-year warranty. An added warranty may be a good idea to protect your purchase.

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ChatMod#1 01-25-2006 08:05 PM

Thanks for sharing this with everybody.

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