Stupid is as Stupid does!..I was using Easycleaner, it said I had alot of duplicate files, alrighty I said to myself, I go in and delete them all without first reading the instructions for its use, I was only to remove one of the duplicates, I assumed 1 would be left with the orig on my hd, I then emptied out my garbage bin, then I went to do some printing and boom, my printer wouldn't work, I tried a few others programs, no success, so then I went into system restore, I paniced and set the restore date for the same time for the same day, well gees who woulda guessed it would wipe out all previous dates?..So I tried Recovery, and couldn't get anything up, because the Microsoft Kernels, dlls or whatever where replaced by generic ones which Microsoft doesn't acknowledge..I am missing 16 bit system module, 12 bit Dos Virtual Machine, MS Notepad isn't working hehe, anyway at this time I can't print out my payroll forms, my printer is a Lexmark Z32..oh my scanner doesn't work either..which is an Acer SZW3300U..Any help would be greatly appreciated..and I don't have backups, nor disks and my computer man is away on holidays somewhere in Europe.. I understand that this kernel is essential to alot of programs..What Now??? If it wasn't for a good sense of humor, I'd be bawling my eyes out..Thanks all!