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Sami 03-13-2006 01:49 PM

Knoppix version 5.0 has been introduced in Cebit 2006
The KNOPPIX 5.0 Live DVD contains some major changes in the unionfs-based file system, new hardware detection and autoconfiguration, and a more "genuine Debian" oriented selection of packages. Apart from this, the harddisk install option ("knoppix-installer") has been extended by Martin Öhler, based on the work of Fabian Franz, featuring a "live update" of specific packages from a new version of the live DVD or CD.

The first release of Knoppix 5.0 is exclusively available as a free pressed DVD on CeBIT, at the KNOPPER.NET booth (University of applied sciences Zweibrücken, Hall 9, booth C39/31) and at the Heise booth (Hall 5, E38). Apart from CeBIT, this version cab be ordered from The pressing of the CeBIT KNOPPIX DVDs has been sponsored, like in the past years, by the Heise publishing company.

More at News Source ..

News Source: KNOPPER.NET

William_Wilson 03-13-2006 01:59 PM

excellent news!
As an occasional knoppix user, i did have issues with there hardware detection and the hard disk installation was a nightmare for my laptop, but all said and done it is a decent linux disto.
I hope to get my hands on a copy of the new Koppix and see just how well the live updates are, it would be nice to have updates once and a while without having to do them all myself :D half the reason i got into computers is because for the most part i can be pretty lazy when it comes to technology (the other half is i'm irritated by software that doens't do what it's supposed to)

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