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Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7

By dwarkarao
Below are some of the keyboard shortcuts or basic shortcuts for Windows 7 in all versions:

Windows + Home: Minimizes all windows except the one in use (active window).

Windows + Spacebar: becomes transparent to all windows displays the Windows desktop.

Windows + Allows left or right arrows move the window left or right of the screen.

Windows + G Show all gadgets are running on the desktop.

Windows + T Stroll among the items of the Windows taskbar.

Windows + P Change the screen display modes (useful only if you use more than one monitor or external monitor).

Windows + "+" or "-" Lets you control the zoom feature (zooming).
Windows + numbers from 1 to 5 Pick a window determined by the order in the taskbar.

Windows + X shows the "Windows Mobility Center (only in notebooks or laptops).

Windows + click on an item from the taskbar run a new program window selected. The same effect is possible by clicking on the item with the right mouse button

keyboard shortcuts, windows 7

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