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curbyi 05-22-2007 06:10 PM

Jeantec lcd display
just built my first pc and it worked!
anyway my question is the case has a lcd display for temps of cpu, vga, and hdd.
how best to attach them they look like copper ends do i solder them, glue and where on each componet part is best for accurate results ???

thanks for any help offered.

Dutchie 05-22-2007 07:40 PM

Hi curbyi,

Well,I guess you go to the logical place :)
jeantech Online
In addition find the specs and layout of your Motherboard.
I don't know if the leds came with wires and connectors or just pigtails or pins or what,so you'll have to adapt to what the mobo requires.
There may also be headers on the board to accomodate the connections.
Hard to say without more info.
Even so,the info for the leds should tell you what's required.
Sorry I cant be of more help,but I'm not familiar with Jeantech.


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