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chocolatee 03-31-2006 04:04 AM

Is it easy to put a game port?
i've noticed that there is no game port in pc packages being sold at the stores...if i need a game port later on, will it be easy to install? or maybe i could ask one to be installed if i buy a new pc...does anyone have an idea how much it would cost?

Firefox 04-04-2006 01:42 PM

Why would you need a game port?
Everything you will ever need is USB now.
If oyu have a controller that is serial that you want to use, bin it and buy a USB one!! 100% better!!

William_Wilson 04-05-2006 03:25 AM

haha, i must agree with FireFox, usb will have a faster reaction time and less lag within a game. Decent controllers can be purchased reasonably cheaply these days, there is no need to use serail for ANYTHING!! lol, i'm not anti serial.. wait.... yes i am!

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