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benzaloy 03-02-2008 08:34 PM

Intrusion by Virus Heat
:( and :confused: Please help me. I have a peculiar problem. A website has come into my laptop. It is seated in the tray of 'task bar' next to the clock.
It is calls itself Virus Heat, and refuses to go away. Yesterday the problem began. I went into 'Task Manager' and found its name listed. Highlighted it and clicked 'end process'. The problem was over.
But this morning it came in all of a sudden and is blinking in my alternately showing a red shield with white 'x' sign and blue shield with a '?' mark.
It looks as if it is compelling me to buy their product.
As for me, I will NOT give in even if my laptop is rendered
When I tried to delete it, this morning, the way I did yesterday, I do not see the name listed in the Task Manager.
I have given a few of the details, below, together with the url.
Could you please tell me how to get rid of this or to whom to report this intrusion.
I am very worried over this . . . please help me,
ben aloysius
Details referred to:

Virus Heat anti-spyware protection
Special offer $49.95
Free Scan

VirusHeat :: Company

Our products and services are used by millions of people, with registered customers in over 150 countries. Our products are actively used by individual users, small businesses, non-profit and community organizations, educational institutions, government agencies, right through to a number of the worlds leading Fortune 500 companies

squirrelnmoose 03-02-2008 10:40 PM

There are a bunch of links from Google on how to remove.
Google-Remove Virus Heat
It looks like it most likely gets on your system through a virus. Do you have an up to date virus scanner installed on your PC. I would first boot in safe mode and run anti-virus and anti-spyware tools to see of they would remove it + the virus that installed it. If you can't get rid of it that way the first 2 results in google look like they are helpful.
Virus Heat Removal Process (remove Virus Heat) -
Virus Heat - Remove Virus Heat Instructions and Virus Heat Descriptions

lurkswithin 03-03-2008 03:21 AM

and as often as you post in here....where is your anti-virus programs and why is it not running?

benzaloy 03-03-2008 07:24 AM

Anti-virus Programs

Originally Posted by lurkswithin (Post 10084)
and as often as you post in here....where is your anti-virus programs and why is it not running?

Well Sir, I have the AVG free and Windows Defender and am told by them my laptop is running normally.
Besides I run the CCleaner and EasyCleaner of Toni Arts as recommended. I suppose Defrag is another matter.
Being new to computer I am daily learning new matters and most of them here in SysChat. That's how I happen to post entries often.
Thank you.

benzaloy 03-03-2008 08:45 AM

Removal of Virus Heat

Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 10079)
There are a bunch of links from Google on how to remove.
Google-Remove Virus Heat
It looks like it most likely gets on your system through a virus. Do you have an up to date virus scanner installed on your PC. I would first boot in safe mode and run anti-virus and anti-spyware tools to see of they would remove it + the virus that installed it. If you can't get rid of it that way the first 2 results in google look like they are helpful.
Virus Heat Removal Process (remove Virus Heat) -
Virus Heat - Remove Virus Heat Instructions and Virus Heat Descriptions

Thank you SnM, it is nice to hear Virus heat is a problem for many users
and some of them found it difficult to 'end process' it.
The SpyHunter download was a disappointment as I did not notice that it is a shareware. It too had a propensity to jump into the screen on its own.
I am not sure of the exact cause, but I noticed a 'slow down' while SpyHunter was in my system.

lurkswithin 03-03-2008 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by benzaloy (Post 10091)
Well Sir, I have the AVG free and Windows Defender and am told by them my laptop is running normally.
Thank you.

Ok then if everything is running normal....where did this Virus Heat come from on your computer.

Wombat 03-03-2008 04:11 PM


Virus Heat Manual Removal Process:

1. Click on the Start Menu button, then click on the Control Panel option, and then Double-click on the Add or Remove Programs icon.
2. Locate Virus Heat and double-click on it to uninstall Virus Heat. Follow the screen step-by-step screen instructions to complete uninstallation of Virus Heat. Do not worry about this if you cannot find it in Add/Remove window. Simply skip to #5.
3. Restart the computer.
4. When it has completed uninstalling you can close Add or Remove Programs and your Control Panel.
5. Close all programs.
6. Search and delete the following infected entries in registry. If you do not know how to edit registry, click here to read more.


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Virus Heat

7. Stop Virus Heat process. If you do not know how to stop a running process, click here to read more.
8. Find and delete the following infected files from your system. Don’t worry if you don’t find these files. Just proceed to next step.
Virus Heat 3.9.exe
If you do not know how to find it or having difficulties locating the file, click here to read more.
9. Rename the files that you found above to “foundbadfile1.dll” and “foundbadfile2.dll” (if you can not rename this file, then try to restart your computer in safe mode then try to rename this file.) If you don’t know how to start the computer in safe mode, click here to read more.
10. Go to C:\Program Files\ folder and delete the “Virus Heat” folder (if you can’t delete it, reboot your computer to safe mode then delete the folder. Do not worry about it if you can’t find this folder.)
11. Click here to bookmark this page (you will need to comeback to this page after reboot)
(If you are using Firefox click on Ctrl+D on your keyboard to bookmark this page)
12. Restart your computer
13. Go to your computer and delete the “foundbadfile1.dll” and “foundbadfile2.dll” file
14. You have just removed Virus Heat from your computer manually.
(Disclaimers: These instructions are created to help Internet users without any fee. It is free and not guaranteed to work. Please use it at your own risks. We are not responsible for any damages to your computer.)

Virus Heat Removal Process (remove Virus Heat) -

I was not going to post in this thread, squirrelnmoose gave you to the link to where I got the article from.

This is what you have to do, plain and simple. So there is no need for I do not understand all these long words...


benzaloy 03-04-2008 10:27 AM

Removal of Virus Heat
Thank you very much Wombat. That sounds a comprehensive instruction.
Shall try it and come back here.
Virus Heat was uninstalled from the Add/Remove. But it is back in the 'tray'
of Task Bar blinking.
Why is it that this type of intrusion is allowed to persist?
Isn't there a law against this type of sales method?
Could this Virus Heat be connected to 'adult' pages?
Another program too has similar tendency. TED Note Pad was uninstalled
through Add/Remove program. But it is yet in the system and functioning too.
I tried to download NotePad++ as advised here. But failed. the download would not open at all. Then tried the next thing that was offered. And it was TED Note Pad. Though it is not going away, it is not as annoying as Virus Heat with its blinking icon in tray.
I completely understand that all advises and hints and tips given here in SysChat are accepted and acted upon at my own risk and I will never hold anyone or SysChat responsible any untoward happening. That's my bad luck. That's all tere is to it.
Thank you,
ben aloysius

Wombat 03-04-2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by benzaloy (Post 10111)

Why is it that this type of intrusion is allowed to persist?

Isn't there a law against this type of sales method?

Could this Virus Heat be connected to 'adult' pages?

Thank you,
ben aloysius

01: No. This is up to the computer owner to have a safe practises plan of action. Antivirus, Firewall, anti malware programmes install and updated.
02: It's because of gullible people clicking on links.
03: Most probably picked up on a warez or p0rn site.

benzaloy 03-05-2008 04:38 AM

Uninvited 'Virus Heat' Program

Originally Posted by Wombat (Post 10117)
01: No. This is up to the computer owner to have a safe practises plan of action. Antivirus, Firewall, anti malware programmes install and updated.
02: It's because of gullible people clicking on links.
03: Most probably picked up on a warez or p0rn site.

Wombat Sir, I have the Windows Defender and AVG Free program.
Besides, I run periodically the CCleaner and EasyCleaner.
Besides these what other programs should one have in the system?
I would be much grateful for a comprehensive instruction just as you gave for the removal of Virus Heat from my system. I am learning a lot by going through the instructions slowly. I am really glad that this Virus Heat came in and demanded that I buy their product for $ 49.95 It is still residing in my tray of task bar.
Re 02, above, I was told to be careful of opening annexures that come with emails. But this came in on its own.
Re 03, you are right. I was watching girly pictures that came in when i was browsing a community site. They warned me but my curious and lustful mind did not allow me to pay heed to the warnings.
Now I understand that Virus Heat has created problems for many others too.
It is interesting to know that the problem is so vast 100s of users are affected and another 100s are involved in teaching users how to get rid of it.
So, Virus Heat is in existence legally, but rather violently though.
Thank you, ben

Daugust 03-22-2008 04:58 PM

Virus Heat missing in Regedit
Wombat - I followed the regedit directions without any problems EXCEPT that VirusHeat wasn't there. Now what should I do? Thanks in advance.


Originally Posted by Wombat (Post 10099)
I was not going to post in this thread, squirrelnmoose gave you to the link to where I got the article from.

This is what you have to do, plain and simple. So there is no need for I do not understand all these long words...


benzaloy 03-24-2008 10:02 AM

Removal of Virus Heat from pc
Virus Heat came in probably, I repeat probably, came into my laptop while I watched girly pictures that poped in suddenly while I was in a social forum.
The forum warned me and like a damn fool I chose to ignore the warning.
I was given much advise by kind and knowledgeable persons, particularly Wombat, SnM and LurksWithin of SysChat. But those methods did not work for me. May be because I am not erudite enough to follow the instructions.
Finally I downloaded the latest AVG anti-virus or some such program, just 6 days after its release. My laptop runs on Windows and this AVG program showed the invasion of Virus Heat.
The Spybot program too showed the inading Virus Heat but could not remove it. The Spybot would prevent, I am told, but not remove.
Luckily for me, the AVG removed it with a click on its button.
I hope the 100s of people out there will get this message of the latest AVG to remove the damn pest Virus Heat.
Thank you.

[email protected] 03-30-2008 05:49 AM

AVG 7.5 has turned its heat off " Virus heat". I think AVG came up with the solution today.All my problems with that f.. Virus heat are over.

benzaloy 03-30-2008 09:24 AM

Virus Heat has been turned off for ever
As i posted earlier, the AVG 7.5, their latest release, helped me rid of Virus Heat from my Laptop.
I also mentioned that even though detected the Virus Heat and indicated the source in 'red' letters, it failed to erase the Virus Heat, at that time.
This morning when I ran a Spybot scan it showed residuals left behind after AVG's action and deleted them when I instructed it to do so.
This means, in my layman's view, it is sound advice to have both AVG 7.5 and Spybot Search and Destroy programs in a pc system.
As I confessed earlier the Virus Heat got on to my pc while I was browsing through a girly erotic pictures. After the removal of Virus Heat by AVG 7.5 I got on to an erotic page. Nothing untoward happened. Only trouble is some of the earlier juicy pages are not displayed nowadays.
Everything is for the best . . . thanks

lurkswithin 03-30-2008 12:52 PM

Virus Heat is a new variant of an older infection called "Virusprotect". It is mostly downloaded as a trojan disquised as a video codec and is basically a spy ware removal advertisement that ERRONEOUSLY finds unwanted programs on your computer and attempts to scare you into buying the removal program.

It is not a VIRUS.

Because it was a new variant most anti-spyware programs did not catch it and could not remove it. This is typical as the anti spy ware/malware/virus programs are designed to target specifically KNOWN applications.

The removal application program designers needed time to evaluate and then test the removal diagnoses before sending out the new definitions to their programs. AT this time all the anti spy ware/malware/virus programs have updated and they can all remove the threat from your computer or at the least disable the components (which will leave harmless traces behind).

This is the standard for dealing with these types of threats and it just takes time to design against them unless the cure becomes worse than the illness and no one wishes to have that.

All in all...this is a perfect example of learning proper personal safety proceedures for using the internet...think before you download....research itself goes a long way...when in doubt, don't do it!....and slow down and take the time to read the warnings that are designed into your computer and the programs that are installed.

benzaloy 04-01-2008 10:34 PM

The Qn of Virus Heat
Please forgive my delayed response............Thank you very much for sparing the time to inform me of the intricacies involved in writing a prgram to remove a bad one. Just as lab people struggling t find a cure on the onset of a disease............and Virus Heat is NOT a virus, but a program.
Ok Sir, you are very helpful indeed.

noxela 04-04-2008 03:30 AM

Virus Heat, Virus Heat 4.3, Virus Heat 3.9, is the one of latest and most devastating counterfeit anti-spyware softwares that endangers the world of computers today. From all previous evidences that we collected, we have a good reason to believe that Virus Heat is a new variant of VirusProtect, SpyLocked and SpyCrush spyware family. Virus Heat usually installs itself onto your computer without your permission, through Zlob.Trojan, Virus or fake software. The easiest way to be infected is through installing ActiveX video codecs. Virus Heat then displays fake system alerts or fake security alerts to trick user to buy the paid version of Virus Heat.

Virus Heat Removal Instructions (Virus Heat 4.3) | Windows XP/Vista Blog

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