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gregga1919 05-31-2007 09:24 AM

Internet Connection Problems
My laptop cannot access MSN, or any other page when I try to go online. I am running on a wireless network. It says my computer is attached to the access point and internet. When I look for more info I get error message 12007. I bought a software package to try to fix the problem (Vcom), but still no luck. Can anyone help me...please?

mhookem 05-31-2007 11:30 AM

Hello, have you checked with your internet service provider?

Also, have you been able to connect to the internet through WiFi before?

What program are you using that provides you with the error code?

Lastly, what wireless hardware are you using and what is the Vcom software attempting to do, i.e. does it just scan your system for errors or is it specifically for repairing your internet connection?



gregga1919 05-31-2007 11:55 AM

I did not check with the ISP. I have a regular computer that works just fine, it connects to the problems. Its just my laptop thats messed up. I;m on Long Island, and I use the hardware provided to my from Cablevision.
The Vcom software is not specifically designed to fix internet connection errors, but to fil errors in general.
Its funny, when I search teh web for info on error 12007, I get lots of hits, just no solid answers on how to fix it.

mhookem 05-31-2007 03:08 PM

Hello, check your internet and firewall settings. If your not sure what they are, have a look at the settings on your PC that works.

Check your security settings for any internet security your using as well.



gregga1919 06-01-2007 09:08 AM

Last night I tried regular old dial up service to get on the internet..and that worked. So there is something in my wireless system. I'm going to put the laptop next to my P.C. and check settings. The lapton is XP, and the P.C. is not, so that may be a bit confusing. Any other suggestions?

mhookem 06-01-2007 12:15 PM

Check for any driver updates to start with, or try some diagnostic software.

If you can, give me some details about your wireless hardware, and take a look at this page and see if you find anything that might be of use.



gregga1919 06-01-2007 03:36 PM

I just met with the IT guy here at work. I bought my laptop to work and she worked fine. The IT showed me that I had two wireless cards fighting each other. My internal card, and my external Linksys Wireless G card. He told me try with just the internal card and I should be fine. I'll def let you know what happens.
Thank you.

colapo 06-07-2007 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by gregga1919 (Post 6882)
My laptop cannot access MSN, or any other page when I try to go online. I am running on a wireless network. It says my computer is attached to the access point and internet. When I look for more info I get error message 12007. I bought a software package to try to fix the problem (Vcom), but still no luck. Can anyone help me...please?

did you check your connection or it might be in that site you haven't coverages on your internet provider. you said that you are connected long time and theres no problem. how far are you in the city?
ahha maybe you miss-up your ipconfig. make sure your tcp/ip is set to yur provider. or lived in default.....
try to call on your internet provider and asked why you dont inernet........

try this command if works for you.............

in DOS ifconfig/renew

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