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solomon.lere 04-02-2009 04:06 AM

Internet Configuration
I just bought a new Compac PC which i needed to connect with a local ISP. The disc provided run successfully on the PC with Windows Vista but the Data cable which I have been using with another computer could not be detected by the PC. What can I do?

lurkswithin 04-02-2009 05:42 PM

What are you actually trying to do?

What disc did you run?

solomon.lere 04-03-2009 03:55 AM

Re: Internet Configuration
I wanted to connect the new PC to the internet using the disc HUAWEI provided for the ISP which is Onet in Nigeria. I had used this disc for the tabletop which is the modem provided and it worked perfectly well. but what i discovered was that the Data cable provided were not detected by the PC as was discovered by the previous pc.

lurkswithin 04-03-2009 01:43 PM

If the set up files are installed on a desktop all ready then there is no need to re install them to the laptop. The desktop serves as the modem/router and the only configuration that must be done is possible the adding of an IP address for the laptop to be used by the desktop to figure the routing sequence.

Open help and support in the laptop and query the networking for how to perform the set up configuration using a desktop (connecting through another computer) It will have all the answers that you need for figuring the network!

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